



My Name is Lannie Reid


I am also an Author, Teacher and Healer.


Angels are everywhere, and all around us!

There really is an Angel for everything! Angels are a beautiful body of love and light and they want the highest good for you! They want you to know that they are here for you and want to help you with any concerns that you have in your life right now.

Once you ask the Angels for their help, your whole world will open up to the beauty that the Angels bring with them! What is it in your life that you could use the help of an Angel with right now?

Please join me in learning about these heavenly peaceful bodies of light!


The Journey

I have been on a path that has not always been easy for me.  I have learned that life has not always taken me to where I want to go, but has always taken me to where I need to be.  Life has a way of sneaking up on person. Sometimes you just want to know more about the spiritual world and sometimes you are catapulted into the hardships of life trying to dig your way out.  I have been to the dark side of life and have made it through to the light on the other side. If you too are searching for something more or maybe just different, I can help you. I have found a strength by partnering with Spirit, let me help you find that partnership and, get you where you need to be.

Join me in discovering more about yourself and the “WHY” of your Journey. Let me show you how to listen with your SOUL, and speak through your SPIRIT! I will teach you how to live a SPIRIT and SOUL aligned life so that you may live your most authentic and joyful life!

I am here to help guide the way whether it is Learning through the Classes I teach or an Angelic Coaching Session, Angel Healing Session or a Holy Fire Reiki Session.  I teach in-person & Online classes to help you navigate through your own spiritual journey!


Turn Your Light on

It’s time to tune into the light,

and into your intuition!

Connect with me today to explore a guided meditation or angelic reading.


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Follow along on Instagram @lanniereid